Thursday, May 06, 2010

Every Vote Sends A Message - Use The Power!


At last, the big day has arrived and the sun is shining - for the moment at least!

From media reports last night, it looks like it will be a race to the end of polling before we can get a hint of a winner and even then, it might not be with a workable majority.

This is the one day we can all make a difference and claim some responsibility for how we live our everyday lives.

It does not matter whether the party we vote for wins or loses, it is our opportunity to send all politicians a message.

If their majorities are slim, they are going to have to work harder to keep their seats and listen to their constituents. It will give a voice back to us, the people.

In a democracy, governments and politicians are supposed to be servants of us all; now is the time to send them a reminder of that simple premise and restore our faith in a system that has been allowed to slide.

Apathy, is our biggest enemy so please, please, go out and vote - for if you don't, you cannot really criticise the way things turn out.

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